According to Amanda Carlson, the director of performance nutrition for training company Athletes’ Performance, “just losing 2% of your body weight in fluid can decrease performance by up to 25%.” Despite the obvious benefits of staying hydrated while exercising, studies have shown that the majority of athletes’ underestimate their fluid intake needs. Today’s blog post is going to take a look at the benefits of staying hydrated while exercising.
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Drinking water and staying hydrated is an invaluable asset in helping your body exercise efficiently. By staying hydrated, oxygen and nutrients can be more efficiently transported throughout the body. This can give the person exercising more energy to help prolong a workout.
Sweating while working out can quickly lead to dehydration. Continuing to exercise while dehydrated can result in losing coordination, muscle fatigue, and cramps. In order to avoid becoming dehydrated while you exercise, it is recommended to drink 15 to 20 ounces of water one to two hours before you begin working out. While exercising, be sure to consume 8 ounces of water every 15 minutes.
As Baptist Sports Medicine managing director Trent Nessler puts it, “you can improve your performance simply by drinking enough water.”
So next time you are getting ready for your workout routine, be sure to bring your water bottle and stay hydrated.
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