The U.S. Airforce has recently admitted to accidentally spilling 150,000 gallons of highly toxic chemicals into the Colorado sewage system. In a statement made on Wednesday, multiple days after the spill took place, a Peterson Air Force representative claims to be unsure of the potential hazards of this toxic spill.
The main compound of the spill is known as perfluorinated compounds, a chemical often found in firefighting foam. Perfluorinated compounds, often referred to as PFCs for short, have been linked to causing illnesses such as prostate, kidney, and testicular cancer.
A spokesman for Colorado Springs Utilities said that the treatment plant used to sanitize sewage is not equipped to remove PFC’s. While the spokesman promises that the toxic contamination has not entered Colorado’s drinking water, the contaminants have entered the 75 mile long Fountain Creek.
Besides being destructive to the environment, local farmers are worried about the effects the contaminated water will have on their crops.
“This could sink our ship so, if we were not able to sell any product from this farm, we would go broke,” said local farmer Jay Frost in an interview with KRDO Channel 13.
“Someone will have to answer to this.”
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